Upcoming Events

To register for any event below, email alice@healingpath.info. Events can be attended so many different ways! Limited in-person attendence in Tryon, NC, live via teleconference call, or listen to the recorded call (by phone or MP3) at your convenience.

ON GOING:  In-person free MeetUp gatherings in Tryon NC for discussion, growth, and friendship. 
Learn more on the MeetUp group page here.
July Events
Rise to a Higher Purpose - A 7-7 Portal Event
Live Event, Sunday, July 7th, 9:30am-11am CT / 10:30am-Noon ET - $30
The 7-7 portal is always about truth seeking and spiritual consciousness. This year is also about moving you further into your higher purpose. Be guided to discover why you are really here! What are your best assets and greatest passions? How can you uniquely support the creation of a better community on earth? Includes an enlightening and uplifting guided meditation. 
Prepare for Multidimensional Living - An Advanced Ascension Gathering
Live Event, Saturday July 20th, 9:30am-11:30am CT / 10:30am-12:30PM ET - $49
Higher consciousness living in human form is coming - are you ready? This gathering shares info and actions for you to incorporate now to make multidimensional living a natural transition! Engaging in this way of being will lead to a lightened expansion of your Ascension process. Topics include: How to move from fragmentation into wholeness; what is the duality matrix and how to transcend it. Closes with critical transforming work in a guided meditation. 
August Events
Conscious Sovereign Evolution - 8-8-8 Portal & Lions Gate Event
Live Event, Thursday August 8th, 11am-12:30pm CT / Noon-1:30pm ET - $30
This 8-8-8 portal provides you with the ability to move forward in your spiritual evolution consciously. You will be able to fully assess and transform the inside of yourself! While in guided meditation receive 8 ‘brand new’ activations and the backbone to propel yourself forward on the most powerful energy day of the year.
Throat, Third Eye & Crown Chakras - A Transformational Event
Live Event, Monday August 19th, 5-6:30pm CT / 6-7:30pm ET - $30
Do you have difficulty expressing yourself? Do fear the future or are unable to trust your own knowing? These concerns and more will be addressed in this event. Be guided to cleanse, transform, and re-tune these chakras - so old habits leave and new energies can enter. This is the finale of a 2024 chakra series, working with all the major chakras. If you missed the first two events, you can still participate via the recording of the events.
FREE Soar Like An Eagle – Become Your Ascension
Live Event, Thursday August 29th, 5-6:30pm CT / 6-7:30pm ET – FREE
This is a free guided animal totem meditation – all are welcome to attend. Native cultures have revered the Eagle for so many reasons. Allow eagle to be your guide and teacher in an enlightening experience. Your wisdom will be activated and your courage will be enhanced – as you become your ascension!

Future Planning

9/17 - Guided Healing Meditation
9/22 - Guided Healing Meditation
10/2 - Guided Healing Meditation
10/10 - Guided Healing Meditation
11/11 - Guided Healing Meditation
11/23 - Advanced Ascension Gathering
12/12 - Guided Healing Meditation
12/21 - Guided Healing Meditation

All upcoming events require reservations.
Recorded Events Available by Request

And don't forget to join our mailing list to stay up to date with the latest events and special offers.